
Swift Tip: An NSScanner Alternative

For one reason or another, we find ourselves writing small scanners and parsers quite often. Sometimes we parse a specific file format, or a small expression language, or just a file name that conforms to a certain naming scheme.

One approach is to use the Scanner class from Foundation (it used to be called NSScanner). A Scanner instance stores the scanned String and a scan location, which is the position in the string. For example, scanning a single character just returns the character at the current scan location and increases the scan location.

In pure Swift, there's another type that stores a String and an offset into that String: Substring. Instead of using a scanner, we could write mutating methods on Substring. As an illustration, here are three such methods. The first matches a character that matches a certain condition, the second scans exactly count characters, and the last scans a specific prefix:

								extension Substring {
    mutating func scan(_ condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Element? {
        guard let f = first, condition(f) else { return nil }
        return removeFirst()

    mutating func scan(count: Int) -> Substring? {
        let result = prefix(count)
        guard result.count == count else { return nil }
        return result

    mutating func scan<C>(prefix: C) -> Bool where C: Collection, C.Element == Character {
        guard starts(with: prefix) else { return false }
        return true


To use this with strings, we first need to make a mutable Substring out of a String, and then we can call the scan method:

								var remainder = "value: 123"[...]
if remainder.scan(prefix: "value: "),
   let firstDigit = remainder.scan({ "0123456789".contains($0) }) {


You can write a whole bunch of these scanning methods, there is no need for an extra Scanner type. You can even write "higher-order" scanners, like this:

								extension Substring {
  mutating func many<A>(until end: Character, _ f: (inout Substring) throws -> A, separator: (inout Substring) throws -> Bool) throws -> [A] {
    // ... left as an exercise


So far, we could have done similar things with a Scanner. However, one of the fun things about Swift is that the code we write is actually far more generic! Instead of defining it on Substring, we can define it on any Collection that supports removeFirst. Reviewing the method's definition, we learn that it exists on any collection that has itself as a Subsequence. This means we only have to change the definition of the method, but not the method body:

								extension Collection where SubSequence == Self {
    mutating func scan(_ condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Element? {
        guard let f = first, condition(f) else { return nil }
        return removeFirst()

    mutating func scan(count: Int) -> Self? {
        let result = prefix(count)
        guard result.count == count else { return nil }
        return result

extension Collection where SubSequence == Self, Element: Equatable {
    mutating func scan<C>(prefix: C) -> Bool where C: Collection, C.Element == Element {
        guard starts(with: prefix) else { return false }
        return true


Now we can use our scan method on many other types as well, most notably ArraySlice and Data. For example, we can use it to parse the beginning of a GIF header:

								var t = try! Data(contentsOf: URL(string: "")!)[...]
guard t.scan(prefix: [71,73,70]), // GIF
    let version = t.scan(count: 3), // 87a or 89a
    let width = t.scan(count: 2),
	let height = t.scan(count: 2)
    else {

print(version, width, height)


For further inspiration, see this gist by Michael Ilseman.

In Swift Talk Episode 78 (a public episode), we show how to work with Swift's String and Substring types by writing a simple CSV parser.

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